Installing QGLE (GLE's Graphical User Interface) If you have questions about the installation, please feel free to contact the GLE mailing list. Execute these commands in a terminal (assuming you unzipped GLE to $HOME/gle4):.

Download and unzip GLE-x.y.z-src.zip to your home directory.Make sure you have the Developer Tools installed (these should be available on your OS/X DVD).Detailed instructions about compiling GLE in general can be found in The GLE Compilation Guide. The recommended way to install GLE on a Mac is to compile and install the source code. Please also report this to the mailing list so that we can improve the method based on your feedback. If it does not work on your system, please try the instructions below. Note that this installation method is experimental. To run the command line tool "gle" in Terminal, run "/Applications/QGLEapp/Contents/bin/gle/index.html", or add the "bin" directory to your system's search path with "export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/QGLE.app/Contents/bin" and run "gle".Now try running QGLE from /Applications or from $HOME/Applications.Download GLE.dmg and install its contents (QGLE.app) in /Applications or $HOME/Applications.Download Ghostscript.dmg and install its contents (amework) in /Library/Frameworks or $HOME/Library/Frameworks.dmg packages (experimental, for Intel Macs with MacOS/X ≥ 10.5). These instructions explain how to install QGLE/GLE using binary. GLE - Mac Installation Instructions GLE - MacOS Installation Instructions Installing QGLE/GLE (Binary Installation)