Famous degrees astrology
Famous degrees astrology

famous degrees astrology

Speaking of Beyonce she has the ruler of the 10th in the 2nd and ruler of the 2nd in the 10th, a strong connection between notoriety, success, income, possessions, etc.

famous degrees astrology

Her Sun/Jupiter are in the 11th and Jupiter rules the 10th. Such that, having Sun in the 10th doesn't make you famous but having the ruler of your second in the 10th cojunct Jupiter with the Moon in the 1st ruling the 10th probably would at some point make you well known, even if it was just within your home town/city/state/etc.Īlso look for wedge and tsquare aspect patterns, Adele has a wedge in her chart with Sun/Jupiter opposite Pluto both aspecting Neptune in the 7th. You should also look for house rulers, any themes in the chart that have a high likelihood of expression are ones that are repeated. This degree system predominantly explains many astrological factors of the chart. In such a placement by the positions of degrees, close connection between any 2 planets is considered as Degree System of Astrology. Another thing to look at is if your 11th house cusp is at certain degrees. Place the planets between 0 to 30 degrees. Yet she is one of the biggest celebrities at the moment and very wealthy. The 11th house technically rules groups, and being famous means youll be in. Her sun is in 6H, Moon in 9H, Venus in 4H. I think she makes a good case study because she lacks a lot of the placements people typically associate with fame. Ariana Grande was born during the exact Uranus-Neptune conjunction in Capricorn and her ASC is exactly conjunct it and her Venus is exactly trine to it.

famous degrees astrology

The reason being is that these people will create art, express ideas, etc, that are in tune with their generation as a whole and people their age will be able relate to them. A big one is personal planets aspect to the transpersonal or generational ones. The specific degrees are not really important.

Famous degrees astrology